Dr. Sklar’s Blog

women pinching forehead in stress

Anxiety and Depression: Hormones May Be Your Answer

/ Mood and Memory
Imbalances in your hormones cause symptoms like depression and anxiety. Balancing your hormones can end your suffering with these life changing problems.
couple in bed

Women’s Orgasms: The Mysteries Revealed

/ Sexual Health
Do you feel a similar frustration about your own ability – or inability – to orgasm? Here is some information on women’s orgasms, the truths and the myths.
older couple thinking

Preventing Dementia: Hormones and Brain Health

/ Mood and Memory
The relationship between brain health and hormones is well know but is almost never addressed. Balancing hormones is the first step in preventing dementia.
Emotional Disorders: The Brain-Body Connection

Emotional Disorders: The Brain-Body Connection

/ Mood and Memory
The brain-body connection must be considered: treating emotional disorders requires counseling and an investigation of the underlying physical causes.
A woman is visibly frustrated about her sleep deprivation.

Sleep Deprivation and Weight Gain: What’s the Link?

/ Weight Loss and Nutrition
Are you exercising 1-2 hours a day, eating well, and still can't move the scale? Learn more about the link between sleep deprivation and weight gain.
A woman is depressed after experiencing pain during sex

When You Experience Pain During Sex

/ Sexual Health
Pain that occurs during intercourse can be incredibly frustrating. Here's the good news: it's totally reversible, and you don't have to face it alone.
A worried young woman stares at computer screen

Stress and Weight Gain: Fat is Not Your Fault

/ Weight Loss and Nutrition
Trying to lose weight and discovering that you're gaining it instead is frustrating. Learn more about how stress can cause weight gain instead of loss.
The (Natural) Secrets to Relieving PMS Symptoms

The (Natural) Secrets to Relieving PMS Symptoms

/ Mood and Memory
PMS occurs within one or two weeks of a woman's anticipated period. Here are some natural strategies that can help reduce and control PMS symptoms.
Sexual Health for Men and Women

Sexual Health for Men and Women

/ Health and Wellness, Sexual Health
Sexual health is dependent on hormone levels, self-image, social interactions, and family situations. Intimacy between partners is an essential part of keeping a long-term relationship.