Dr. Sklar’s Blog

Could Hormones be the Cause of Your Fatigue Symptoms?

Could Hormones be the Cause of Your Fatigue Symptoms?

/ Energy & Fatigue
Most healthcare providers don’t consider hormone evaluation and restoration for fatigue symptoms. Evaluation and adjustment of hormones can cure fatigue.
Time for Bed clock improving sleep

Improving Sleep: Part 2

/ Energy & Fatigue
Improving sleep by understanding REM and Non-REM sleep and the things that disrupt sleep. Learn techniques to improve sleep.
man sleeping in bed

Improving Sleep (Part 1): Why we Sleep and the Benefits of Improving our Sleep

/ Energy & Fatigue
30% adults have insomnia and 10% of adults have insomnia that is severe. Improving sleep is essential in leading a healthful and happy life.
Roller coaster about to drop

Eating for Energy: Getting Off of the Blood Sugar Rollercoaster

/ Energy & Fatigue
Get off the blood sugar rollercoaster. Learn the benefits of eating for energy. Also, learn how to eat for energy, lose weight, and live a healthy life.
Woman in coat indoors cold due to untreated thyroid condition

Untreated Thyroid Disease: Do You Feel Cold, Fat, and Tired?

/ Energy & Fatigue
For thousands of women, traditional medicine is unable to help women with untreated thyroid disease. Women will find out that help is within reach.
Feeling Tired All the Time?  Adrenal Fatigue: Symptoms and Treatment

Feeling Tired All the Time? Adrenal Fatigue: Symptoms and Treatment

Are you feeling tired all the time? If Adrenal Fatigue is the cause, you will understand the disease and find out how to get help.
Dr Sklar Blog post - what can lower your sex drive

What Can Lower Your Sex Drive?

/ Sexual Health
Medical and social problems that can lower sex drive are revealed. Recognizing and taking steps to address these issues can reawaken interest in sex and lead to increased intimacy and renewed relationships.
A couple adding selected fruit and fiber to their smoothie for preventing diabetes.

Preventing Diabetes: Your Blood Sugar Is Creeping Up

Preventing diabetes is one of the biggest health challenges of the 21st century. Controlling your blood sugar is the key to preventing diabetes. Learn more about taking action to manage your blood sugar and live a long and healthful life.
Anti-inflammatory diet

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Prevents Diabetes and Heart Disease

By following an anti-inflammatory diet many people can prevent diabetes and heart disease. The suffering and complications caused by these illnesses can be avoided.